Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year's Eve

It should come as no surprise to any of you that I will be happy to lay 2013 to rest. It was a rough year... and one that followed hard on the heels of a couple years that had seemed rough at the time, but were only lessened in stature by comparison to the debacle that was 2013 for me.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Interview Available Online

Well friends...

I was interviewed by Philanthropic People magazine, and if you are interested... you can read the interview online here:  http://www.philanthropicpeople.com/2013/12/11/an-interview-with-water-charitys-ceo-jahsun/

Feel free to leave comments there or here, but if you want me to respond, here would be better... as I am unlikely to go there and check for comments but once in a blue moon.  Hehehehe.

While I link to WC posts here on a sidebar of this blog, I haven't actually addressed Water Charity here thus far.  I may decide I want to discuss certain projects or things here in the future, though.  I suppose the WC website speaks for itself mostly, but we shall see.

Again, any and all comments are welcome.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Thanks Forgiving

I was thinking to get this post up before Thanksgiving, but, alas, I was preoccupied. I then thought to save this, and maybe do it next year... but I am not one to pay too much attention to what calendars or clocks say I should be doing. Heehehe.  

So, here we go, a look at one of America's holidays with the highest level of cognitive dissonance... and a somewhat more personal take on the concepts of thanks and forgiveness.